Problems on the Network

The Burnley Bridleways Association works with Lancashire County Council, Burnley Borough Council and individual landowners to help retain, maintain and extend the present network of bridleways both in and around the Borough.

Please report any obstacles or difficulties seen on the local bridleway network to LCC via the ‘Report It’ page on the website and by contacting Cosima Towneley.  Obstructing a bridleway is AGAINST THE LAW.  The earlier a problem is spotted, the earlier it can be sorted.

Do NOT ignore it – it will not go away…..

Useful Numbers:

MP – Julie Cooper:
• Lancashire County Council – ‘Report It’ on the LCC webpage

PRoW Team: 01772 533886
• Burnley Borough Council – Green Spaces: 01282 42511

(for Greenway related issues.
• Cosima Towneley – 07817 725976 /